Posted by Christian Costa on Dec 5, 2017 12:00:00 PM
Christian Costa

World Archery USA Archery Kris Schaff Elite Archery Bangkok Echelon

Photo via World Archery


Elite Archery shooter Kris Schaff leaves Bangkok, Thailand and Stage 2 of the Indoor World Championships with a silver medal.

In the compound gold medal match, Schaff, seeded second in the tournament, prevailed through four elimination rounds shooting his new Echelon 39. Schaff bested Stephan Hansen in a close Semifinals match determined by X counts, then faced off against Netherland’s Mike Schloesser in the gold medal match, where the final score ended at 149-147.

“This was a close match, and I couldn’t be happier with my equipment,” said Schaff after the final scoring. “The Echelon is performing incredibly well, right out of the box. Of course, I really want to stand in the top spot – but this early in the year and with the forgiving platform of the Echelon, I’m happy to be standing on the world stage with greats like Mike and Stephan. I’m really looking forward to great things this year.”  

Team Elite continues to be a dominating force in world archery, with a strong showing in Bangkok. Elite teammates Alexis Ruiz and Reo Wilde all joined Schaff in the top 10.

“The caliber of archery displayed in these tournaments is second to none, and to have Elite archery represented so strongly is a true testament to the skill, talent, and equipment they shoot,” said Elite Archery pro staff manager, Darrin Christenberry. “The entire Elite staff is proud of our shooters and we’re excited to see what they have up their sleeves for Stage 3 in Nimes this January.”

Topics: Tournament Wins



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