Posted by Darrin Christenberry on Dec 3, 2018 12:50:03 PM
Darrin Christenberry

Elite-RUIZgold1 (1)

The second leg of the Indoor Archery World Series took place in Macau, China, where Alexis Ruiz, shooting an Elite Archery VictoryX, impressed the world with a gold medal finish.

“This is my first pro win for World Archery and I feel great. This whole weekend went well for me from practice to qualifications to scoring,” said Ruiz. “My form was feeling solid and I was aiming really well. I am still so excited and happy from winning the gold medal. This tournament has given me even more confidence going into Rome for the third stage of the Indoor World Series in two weeks.” 

The series opened in Strassen, Luxembourg as the first of three “250-series” open-entry indoor tournaments. The third international event takes place in Rome, and like the previous tournaments, will draw competitors from around the globe, including as far as Trinidad and Tobago, India and Korea. All entrants will be listed in World Archery’s new open-ranking system, while the top 16 finishers in each discipline will receive points towards their elite ranking, which decides who is invited to the Indoor Archery World Series Final in Las Vegas in February.

“Alexis has consistently shown us throughout the year that she has the passion, drive, and talent to be one of the world’s best,” said Darrin Christenberry, Elite Archery pro staff manager. “She continues to improve as an archer and has proven herself a top competitor – we expect to see amazing things from her this indoor season.”


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