Elite Next Gen: Andrew Hubbs

Posted by Katie D'Arcy on May 9, 2019 2:15:00 PM

andrew hubbs (1)

Name: Andrew Hubbs

Hometown: Ridgway, IL

Shop Name: S&D Archery Carmi, IL

Coach: Doug Hubbs (Dad), Dave Marshall

My Bow: Elite Victory 37

My Accomplishments:

  • Indoor NFAA Nationals - 1st (2019)
  • Indoor S3DA Nationals - 1st (2019)
  • Indoor S3DA State - 1st (2019)
  • Indoor S3DA Shooter of the year - (2019)
  • Indoor NFAA pro/am Madisonville, KY - 1st (2019) 
  • Indoor NFAA pro/am Kokomo, IN - 1st (2019)
  • Outdoor 3D S3DA State - 2nd (2018)
  • Outdoor 3D S3DA Nationals - 6th (2018)

Who introduced you to archery and at what age? Did your interest start in the hunting realm or target side?

My Papaw got me into shooting a bow when I was 4. I started bowhunting when I was 10 and killed my first buck with my bow. My interest in archery definitely started with hunting. I didn't get into target archery until I started S3DA last year at age 13.

How many arrows do you shoot per week and what does your training regimen look like?

I would say I probably shoot around 300 arrows per week and sometimes more or less depending on my schedule. My training regimen is basically to just put in as much practice as I can. If there is something I feel I need to work on then I focus on working on that one problem.

We all have bad days. How do you overcome the bad ones as to not create bad habits?

If I am having a bad day and make a bad shot I just try not to think about it. There is nothing you can do to get that bad shot back, you just have to let it go. If you let it get in your head then it will affect your other shots. Just have to let that bad shot go and move on.

What adjustments to your equipment have you made in the last couple of years to create a more consistent shot?

The biggest thing that I did was go to a back tension release and add weights to the front and back of my bow.

When did it become apparent to you that Elite was the bow brand of choice?

I tried an Elite out in the bow shop and instantly loved the way it shot. I knew I had to get one and I did. When you choose the right equipment for you it makes a world of difference in your shooting. Elite was the brand that I found fit me the best.

What about your equipment makes it so you are consistent and confident in your game?

It takes a lot of practice and doing the same thing over and over again to become consistent. I usually know when I make a shot if it is going to be a good one or not. If it is a bad shot it is usually because of something that I did wrong and not the equipment. I have to go back over the shot and figure out what I did wrong; whether it was my grip or something else.

What's your greatest strength as an archer? Weakness?

My greatest strength as an archer would probably be my love for archery and putting in a lot of hard work to get better. My greatest weakness would be that I can be too hard on myself. I think that I should shoot perfect all of the time and when I don't I can get really down on myself.

Where would you like to see your archery career take you, and what advice would you give to younger archers looking to achieve the same?

I would love to be a professional shooter one day. I have only been doing this for a year and have achieved so much already. I don't think anyone would have believed I would have achieved what I have when I first started. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something, with a lot of hard work and dedication anything is possible.


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