Get in the Game: Your Passion is Your Best Fuel

Posted by Mary Francz on Nov 9, 2018 11:30:00 AM


Wild game: it takes a bit longer to prepare and cook- not to mention the harvesting process is no easy feat. However, the nutritional value far outweighs the 30 extra minutes needed to trim a piece of elk before popping it on the grill. Some hunters will keep on eating their wild game because they’ve personally harvested this amazing animal, know how to prepare it to perfection, and are proud of the hands-on experience, and that’s great! Your body loves you for it. Let this information encourage you to keep enjoying your wild game dishes and if you are not a hunter I hope this post inspires you to consider how important wild game can be in your daily meals.

For us meat eaters, our source of protein is very important to our daily diet regime. Whether it be chicken, fish, beef, or bison our diet depends on protein largely due to the amazing brain size we developed some 2 million years ago. Within our agricultural world there is an abundance of protein sources we choose from for every meal. But are we thinking of the quality of the meat that we are choosing and should we even care? Isn’t a steak and steak? 

Let’s start off with what ‘grass-fed’ really is. For an animal to be “grass-fed” means their diet is made up of natural grass and nutrients that they can forge for in nature. Besides the alfalfa that is provided through the winter months for livestock the animal can consume their food directly from the earth- the way their body was designed to work. Many of us don’t realize the way the animal is fed will directly affect the nutritional composition of the meat; specifically, the fatty acid and antioxidant quality and levels. And while I would just love to bore you with the science behind why this is important I can sum it up by explaining every gram of protein and fat we consume turns into the building blocks of the cells in our body. Poor quality protein/fat = poor quality cell building blocks.

Wild game is the purest form of ‘grass fed’ protein possible and is a sustainable form of feeding our families and communities. Here at Elite Archery we love to share what sets us apart. The smooth draw cycles of our bows provide hunters and target archer’s the ability to hold their shot comfortably and accurately long enough to focus on the target. Making an ethical, clean kill should be the number one goal in the woods and Elite makes this possible with our world class solid back wall. Making the harvesting process that much more enjoyable.

You can read labels at the grocery store and search out the most organic meat you can find- or you can take a step back and find the leanest, protein packed, and naturally organic meat you can consume. At the lowly cost of your bow and tree stand. Check out our dealer locator at to find where you can shoot our new flag ship bows for the upcoming year and make the switch to not only a healthier body but the most efficient, shootable bow to take into the woods. Now that’s living the lifestyle!

Daley, C., Abbott, A., Doyle, P., Nader, G. and Larson, S. (2018). A review of fatty acid profiles and antioxidant content in grass-fed and grain-fed beef. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Oct. 2018].

Gibbons, A., & Paley, M. (n.d.). The Evolution of Diet. Retrieved October 15, 2018, from 

Picture1Mary Francz holds a Bachelor’s of Health Science from SUNY Empire State College and is currently achieving a Masters in Health Communication. She currently works with The Outdoor Group providing industry leading customer service to hunters and archer’s around the world. She enjoys sharing the connection of how health and hunting can benefit the lives of fellow hunters in our communities and empowering women who may want to develop their skills in the outdoors. For more healthy lifestyle posts from her- stop over to her blog.


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