The Iowa State Archery Association Pro-Am Tournament concluded Sunday, as one of the first major indoor competitions of the year. Attending were athletes from across the country, including Elite Archery’s Jacob Marlow, who placed second for the weekend in the Freestyle Men’s Pro division.
Shooting a VictoryX, Marlow executed a perfect 60X on the first day of competition. He followed suit with a 328 Vegas round, ending the weekend with a total of 688/690 available points. This stellar performance earned a place in the five-man shoot down.
“The weekend went really well for me,” Marlow said. “My VictoryX stayed behind the pin and performed great under the pressure of a five man shoot off for second.”
Marlow and the rest of Team Elite will have a few weeks off to prepare for the Lancaster Archery Classic, taking place at the Spooky Nook Sports facility in Lancaster, PA, January 25-27.